Your unique off-season event!

Great news…

The Grand Cru is now able to host dockside events from October to May! Whether it’s a product launch, a team meeting, a networking activity, a Christmas party, etc., the atmosphere on board will ensure the success of your event!

You’ll be won over by the interior beauty of our luxurious boat and the exceptional view of the lake and mountains.

To see a preview of what your event could look like, click here.

Mariages et réceptions - Escapades Memphrémagog - Le Grand CruMariages et réceptions - Escapades Memphrémagog - Le Grand Cru

Meet our Sales and Events Consultant

Karine Marion

To make a reservation or for more information, please contact Karine
at 1 855 330-6001, ext. 1038 or by email :

Mariages et réceptions - Escapades Memphrémagog - Le Grand Cru